Film Scanning with Foveon

As I've been revisiting using a Digital Camera as a film scanner, I thought it might be interesting to see if using a Foveon Style sensor would have any advantages. While it only has 25 effective megapixels, for 35mm scans and smaller, the extra color information and sharpness of the foveon sensor should be more than enough under ideal conditions. One note is that the shutter slap on the sdqh isn't great and made getting sharp scans more difficult than a mirrorless with an Eletronic shutter. But what I am interested most in is if the color response would appear to offer any advantage. For this setup it's more or less the same as my latest venture into film scanning: DSLR SCANNING sdqh with 105mm macro lens While there are three kinds of film I could test, I think slides make for the easiest comparison as they result in an image without any additional processing to compensate for the color base or being inverted. Because of the greater shadow noise of the sdqh at the same...